Tuesday, 15 July 2008

By Sunset

- Ok, then. Why is pork prohibited? And please don’t give me the ‘it transmits diseases thing’ because this could also be caused by beef.

All these kinds of questions have been dealt with for years. I’m not going to try to answer them for you because I don’t think this is your problem. You need to find answers.

- I've tried and no one has been able to provide plausible answers. Plus, if there were such answers, why are these questions still being asked?

You know what? I think you're dealing with the whole thing in the wrong way. You need to start with open heart and mind and then seek guidance, and not by taking two issues, pork and alcohol, and rotating around them.

- I still think if these are simple questions on my mind, there should be equally simple answers.

Listen, some people go into religion and try to find answers that help them do what they want and justify what they do. Others truly want to find answers and they don’t merely aim at proving they are right. They are after the truth. If you are of the first type, I'm telling you, you will keep digging for answers that appeal to your desires and end up going round and round in a vicious circle because you will not want accept an answer that doesn’t match what you want. There are answers for everything if you have an open heart. And this is where you should start.

- And how do I find those true answers?

Ask trustworthy people.

- Oh, really? And where are they? And who do you trust? And who qualifies as a trustworthy source? They all follow someone before them - there is nothing new. Plus, there is usually more than one answer to almost every single question and some questions just exist without answers.

Listen, I really am telling you. I myself once doubted the presence of God and now I am at peace with everything because I did want to find true answers and worked hard. It was not an easy stage at all, but here we are. I’m not saying it’s over for me, I’m always reading and trying to educate myself, but my faith is unshakable now.

- And how did you reach that?

Seeing millions of people around me believing in this book - I don’t think it's nonsense. I don’t think that your heart beats because it beats. He is making it beat this way for you.

I was sitting at the head of the table. She was sitting to my left. He to my right. I kept moving my eyes between them wishing this conversation never ended or that it never started.

I do not know if sitting between them was by any chance symbolic.

The heated conversation ended after sunset. I have listened to this same discussion before. But it is usually louder and much more heated. It is always between another two: my mind and my heart.

And I have always wished a sunset could end it.


Annie said...

Excellent post. I might not be able to sleep tonight, it's given me so much to think about - the sun's already gone down here. I don't think the mind and the heart will ever stop their endless debate - part of me hopes they never do, part of me wishes there were nothing to debate over in the first place.

Thanks for the post.

Dina El Hawary (dido's) said...

and I am also there .. in the middle. Good post, Bravo!

Nesrine said...

Anne and Dido ...

I don't know if I should be happy to know it's not just me.. but I'm not
I'm just happy you read my post.

Dina El Hawary (dido's) said...

well ya Kholkhal, I would just tell you Bravo cause you were able to express what I - and am sure others - do feel!
don't over load yourself dear ...

Anonymous said...

No it's not just you, kholkhal. You're not alone, and you express very well what a lot of people never express.

kiran said...

Very interesting. I have always wondered about why pork is forbidden.

And it is forbidden to Jews and Christians too (at least those of certain sects, who say that if the bible is properly interpreted it is forbidden).

I have heard that it is because back then it carried more diseases, and the religion that banned it had better chances against others that didn't.

Either way pork is an easy one.
Alcohol and sex are harder ones.

And for the philosopher thinker, I think a hard thing to swallow is the story of Soddom and Gomorrah, (Does God really hate gays? Why did God make them then?)

And Moses parting the sea, and Noah flooding the earth. I suppose even to the student of science both those things are possible, being that our understanding of nature is limited. Are we really supposed to accept those stories at face value, or are we supposed to question them?

Anonymous said...

Woooooooow, excellent post.
To Kiran,
1. God didn´t create gays or lesbians, like He didn´t create killers or thieves, is something that we choose to do or to be, and I think you can´t blame God for that.
2. Some of these “unusual” stories still there to prove what happened, but you just have selected the temporary stories that “I think” didn´t have impacts. Parting the sea was something that occurred in a few minutes or hours, and then everything returned to normal again, while you can see clearly, for instance, what was the reaction of God for what was happening in Sodom and Gomorrah in Jordan/Palestine. The Dead Sea remains to tell us the story, to give us a lesson, and make us believe in the other stories that we could not see and in the tremendous power of God to do what He wants whenever He wants.
Again, excellent post. Thank you.

Nesrine said...

Hello Anonymous :)

I am gald you liked the post.
I am also glad you posted a comment as well.

But I have a question for you. If you asked a homosexual person, they would say "This is how I feel. It is exactly how you feel toward the opposite sex." They will tell you that it's not their choice at all.

From a Muslim point of view, their answer will mean that God may be unfair which is impossible.

How do you deal with this?

الـسـيـدة نـون said...

لو تكتبيه بالعربي
يكون افضل
علشان انا ماليش تقل على قراية اى حاجة انجليزي

اختك خيخة

Anonymous said...

Great post,i feel like you can read my mind when you talk about that heated conversation between your mind and your heart.

like you describe what happend to me every night or when i sit with my self thinking about anything around me in this worled, and feel that conflict between my mind and my heart.

And also i can feel the same suffrance when i didn't found the final answer, like you felt.

Bravo, once again great post.

Anonymous said...

Great post, I feel like you can read my mind when you talk about that heated conversation between your mind and your heart.

Like you can describe what happened to me every night or when I sit with my self thinking about anything around me in this wold, and feel that conflict between my mind and my heart.

And also i can feel the same sufferance when i did not found the final answer, like you felt.

Bravo,once again great post.